Modern Separations

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12 - Child Specialist, Sharla Schofield

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Separation can be overwhelming for both parents and children. Sharla Schofield shares how a child specialist can help parents notice and address the needs of their children to help them thrive during a challenging time.

Sharla Schofield has a B.A. in Psychology,  a B.S.W., and an M.Ed. in Counselling.  She is both a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a Registered Clinical Social Worker.  Sharla has worked as a Child and Family Therapist with specialties in trauma and anxiety for over 30 years.  The role of Child Specialist working as a Mental Health Professional in the arena of Family Law called to her 9 years ago.  Since then she has taken numerous training as a Hear the Child Reporter, a Divorce Coach, a Child Specialist and in the field of Mediation.  Her role as a Child Specialist is dear to her heart as a way to work with and support Children of Divorce.

Your host, Christina Vinters, is a nationally designated Chartered Mediator on a mission to inspire and facilitate healthy family transitions. She is also a gratefully non-practicing Lawyer, Author of Pathways to Amicable Divorce and the   DIY Divorce Manual, and Peacemaking Business Consultant.

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